17 Olutosin Ajayi Street, Lagos, Nigeria

Your Children Will Outsmart You

My sisters and I spent some quality time recently telling our mother some of our fun moments as little children.

We reminded her how we used to find some hand-held games she hid from us.

We would play and return them to the place they were kept before she returned from work.

We told her other things they (our parents) hid from us and we still found them.

We had a good laugh!

While driving home the same day, I remembered how I’m now a parent!

I have boys, who may do their own too to me. 😀

I tapped my chest three times and chuckled.

No matter how you try, your children may be one step ahead of you!

You cannot enforce a behavioural pattern on your child because they have a MIND of their OWN!

What is the best you can do?

  1. Teach them the right way to live.
  2. Model rightly – Your words and actions must go together.
  3. Be careful of what they are exposed to.

The most important one for me is the fourth tips because it covers internal and external influences. I am aware of the spirituality of life.

Dear parent, RELAX and ensure you do the four tips!

No matter how you ‘police’ your children, they may be one step ahead…

Do you have another tips to add? Kindly share.

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